viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Derrame de petroleo Transocean/BP en Golfo de Mexico

Algunos links sobre el derrame de la plataforma Transocean ( del operador BP ) en el golfo de mexico.

( nota: El 1) es un PDF interesante para entender a grandes rasgos como funciona el tema de "drilling" ( perforacion ) en el oceano para extraer petroleo. )


Testimony Before The Committee On Energy & Natural Resources United States Senate May 11, 2010 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Strategy and Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion Steven Newman, Chief Executive Officer, Transocean, Ltd.

2) fotos de los efectos del derrame en las costas de louisiana:

3) Live video feed of the BP Oil Spill from the ocean floor, 5000 feet [ ~1.5km ] below the surface.

4) tracking del derrame en google maps:,-92.460414&sspn=10.511348,16.391602&ie=UTF8&ll=29.19042,-88.7649&spn=3.586666,4.42749&z=8

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Point break?

Introducing WebM, an open web media project

WebM includes:

* VP8, a high-quality video codec we are releasing today under a BSD-style, royalty-free license
* Vorbis, an already open source and broadly implemented audio codec
* a container format based on a subset of the Matroska media container

We want to thank the many industry leaders and web community members who are collaborating on the development of WebM and integrating it into their products [: Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome, Adobe, and many others

[Jeremy Doig, Engineering Director of video and Mike Jazayeri, Group Product Manager, Google ]

Update 20/05/2010: no todo parecen ser flores: por ejemplo este analisis tecnico de VP8.

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Mas sobre Flash y la Web

Interesante opinion de Ben Ward, a la cual llegue desde Tim Bray, a quien llegue desde Slashdot:

"The web is about content. Everything above that is dressing (perhaps think of the web as fresh bread, perfectly coated in balsamic vinegar and olive oil). The fact that older browsers cannot render all the features of your page but can still provide the content to users is a feature. It’s the most important feature.

The Flash philosophy is opposite. Flash is about a complete experience (singular). It’s about every detail being precisely bevelled into place for every viewer. The consequence of this approach is that it resists the availability of content. The goal of perfect consistent rendering can only be achieved through a single version of this single vendor’s bespoke plug-in. If you need a feature of Flash 10, Flash 9 users must upgrade to see any of your content, not just the new feature.

The Flash approach is anti-content; anti-web. Adobe present the idea that Flash is a superior offering because the entire suite of features, in one big blob, is a compelling development offering. But the reason to write on the web in the first place is to make content available broadly."

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